The training activities implemented at FJCU based on the "Ex corde Ecclesiae."
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2022 SDGs Report
輔仁大學攜手國內外衛健機構建立長期合作關係,共同推動健康促進與醫療照護計畫 3.3.1
FJCU Offers Health Promotion and Medical Care Services to Community Residents
本校開放體育設施與民眾共享 3.3.3
本校的無菸校園政策 3.3.6
Fu Jen Catholic University Hospital Introduction
FJCU Provides Life-long Educational Resources to the Public
本校提供公眾參與的開放講座 4.3.2
本校提供公眾的長期職業培訓計畫 4.3.3
本校的外展教育服務作為 4.3.4
本校人權和反歧視政策 4.3.5
本校所制定的新建物能源效率政策 7.2.1
本校提升建物能源效率的規劃 7.2.2
本校降低能源消耗的計畫 7.2.3
本校減少二氧化碳的方案 7.2.4
本校能源盤點策略 7.2.5
本校永續投資政策與實踐 7.2.6
推廣綠色旅宿以落實環保與生態永續之社會企業責任 7.4.1
「永續校園、改變社區」,攜手社區共同踏出穩健永續未來 7.4.2
本校執行公營與民營之能效提升與乾淨能源類研究計畫提供我國工業低碳能源技術 7.4.3
本校為各級單位制訂的潔淨能源與節能政策提供技術資源 7.4.4
協助小農發展友善農耕之商業可能性 7.4.5
輔大開放公眾參觀的歷史與文化建築 11.2.1
輔大開放公眾免費使用的圖書館 11.2.2
輔大開放公眾免費參觀的各式展館 11.2.3
FJCU Public access to green spaces 11.2.4
輔大各項藝術展演 11.2.5
輔大的非物質文化遺產保存行動 11.2.6
輔大的永續通勤實踐目標 11.4.1
輔大推動的永續通勤行動 11.4.2
寒暑假減少通勤 11.4.3
FJCU Affordable housing for employees 11.4.4
FJCU provide affordable housing for students 11.4.5
輔大重視校園內行人通道 11.4.6
策略合作與社區發展:輔仁大學與新北市政府地政局合作計畫綜覽 11.4.7
輔大永續建築標準 11.4.8
輔大棕色地帶建造之建築 11.4.9
共享食物、減少浪費 輔大食享冰箱引領校園循環經濟
輔大訂定餐廳(超市)管理辦法規範食品供應與採購安全 12.2.1
輔大訂定「環境保護暨安全衛生政策」保障全體教職員工生健康安全的校園環境 12.2.3
輔大落實管理廢棄物政策並確實統計各項數據變化 12.2.4
本校落實校園減少塑膠使用政策 12.2.5
輔大校內不提供塑膠類一次性用具並積極參與二手物循環再利用活動 12.2.6
輔大設置「經營管理中心」對校內委外事業進行管理,推廣綠色採購政策 12.2.7
本校設有經營管理中心設置辦法,對校內各委外事業進行管理 12.2.8
歷年全校生產與回收的廢棄物數量統計 12.3.1
輔大歷年度永續報告書 12.4.1
本校與政府及非政府組織建立深入合作關係 17.2.1
輔大偕同政府及非政府組織辦理政策研討會議,透過對話探討與提出問題解決方案 17.2.2
本校透過教師跨國研究及各項合作,實現永續發目標之國際實踐 17.2.4
本校醫學院「坦尚尼亞醫療醫療服務志工團」與海外NGO團體合作,結合醫療專業提升當地居民的整體健康與疾病預防 17.2.5
輔大將永續素養教育擴及全校所有教學課程中 17.4.1
本校為培育永續專業人才設立專業學分學程與學位學程 17.4.2
本校透過開放課程與講座工作坊,向校內外人員持續推動永續素養教育之扎根 17.4.3
Sustainability Report 2021
提供學生性健康知識教育及預防保健服務 3.3.4
為本校教職員生提供系統性的心理健康促進及支持服務 3.3.5
輔大推動的遠端辦公政策 11.4.3
輔大與科技部合作推展新北市塭仔圳規劃與發展 11.4.7
輔大定期邀請合作廠商參與承攬作業會議,藉此帶動供應商與上游廠商配合採購政策方向 12.2.8
歷年全校生產與回收的廢棄物數量統計 12.3.2
輔大與政府及非政府組織建立深入合作關係,致力發展本國永續發展政策 17.2.1
輔大發揮在醫療健康與社會人文領域優勢,跨國協力共同研究COVID-19疫情下之公衛議題 17.2.3
輔大與海內外組織與學術機構辦理跨國研討會議,透過意見交流轉化為新的實踐方向 17.2.4
Sustainability Report 2020
FJCU promotes health and welfare in collaboration with local partners, national partners, and international partners
FJCU’s sports facilities are shared with the local community.
FJCU promotes the concept of disease prevention to enhance students’ understanding of AIDS prevention and promotes self-protection measures to guard against sexually transmitted diseases.
FJCU upholds the Catholic value of humanity and cares for the physical as well as mental health of its teachers and students.
Tobacco Hazards Prevention in FJCU
In keeping with the intent and spirit of universal education and lifelong learning, FJCU provides rich learning resources to everyone.
Sharing Campus Resources.
Provide professional study and training, coach those who are interested in further studies, and enhance the professional ability and practical knowledge.
Through service activities, university students are brought into contact with others and become active participants in the community who convey the spirit and values of Catholic love, altruism, and justice.
FJCU Promotion Education Center implements open and sharing campus resources regardless of the target
Workers of the same rank in FJCU, regardless of gender, have the same rights to pay, ask for leave, and leave.
FJCU recognizes and guarantees the rights and interests of all faculty and staff (including female and foreign staff), and values communication with all stakeholders.
Policy prohibiting discrimination and harassment.
At FJCU, we implements Article 5 of the Labor Standards Act to prevent forced labor, modern slavery, human trafficking and child labor.
FJCU has indeed formulated various recruitment methods to ensure that all employees enjoy equal rights and interests
FJCU provides equal salary to all employees in accordance with the set salary verification standard system
FJCU pays its employees on a monthly basis in accordance with legal standards.
FJCU guarantees the salaries and rights of its faculty and employees thr
FJCU has established restaurant (supermarket) management methods and restaurant hygiene inspection team establishment points to ensure that school purchases comply with ethical principles
FJCU has established the "Environmental Protection and Safety and Health Policy" aiming to regulates the management of laboratory waste and makes sure how campus waste should be classified and handled.
Implement Waste Management Policies and Waste Statistics.
Reduce the Use of Plsatics on Campus.
Policy to Reduce The Use of Disposable Items on Campus.
FJCU keep promote the Green Procurement Policy and drive the upstream suppliers to cooperate with each other.
FJCU has set up a management center to manage the outsourcing business within the school, and regularly invites cooperative manufacturers to participate in the organization of the contract work agreement.
Statistics collected on general waste
FJCU has established deep collaborative relationships with multiple government agencies to improve the economic, health, educational, environmental, and societal benefits of the country.
Discussion and practice of establishing cross-departmental sustainability issues through research innovation and industry-university cooperation
Cross-cultural learning and cross-social experience—International Partnership Learning Research Project
FJCU efforts and contributions to SDGs 1,2,3,6,7
FJCU efforts and contributions to SDGs 5
FJCU efforts and contributions to SDGs 8
FJCU comprehensively integrated SDG-based teaching goals into its compulsory holistic courses
Sustainability courses offered by FJCU
FJCU 2020 Related Hold public promotion events
FJCU efforts and contributions to SDGs 10
FJCU efforts and contributions to SDGs 14
FJCU efforts and contributions to SDGs 16
Sustainability Report 2019
Fu Jen Catholic University's performance in COVID-19 prevention
Tracking indigenous students
FJCU Cooperation with various medical institutions Aids Overseas Communities, Raising Global Health Care Standards
Long-term investment in Ghana to improve medical services and people’s lives
Admission-Free Exhibition Space for Art and Cultural Relics at FJCU—The Tree of Life wall and Non-profit Cultural Space in FJCU Hospital
In collaboration with domestic and international universities, FJCU is committed to cross-institutional understanding of the compatibility of SDGs with institutional and regional development
FJCU has worked to create a friendly campus and good learning environment for indigenous students
Fu Jen is committed to leaving no one hungry in the Xinzhunag District through the establishment of Zhongxin Food Bank.
FJCU’s Culturally Representative Building -Chung Mei Auditorium
Admission-Free Exhibition Space for Art and Cultural Relics at FJCU—Chinese Catholic Museum
FJCU Provides Professional Advice on Sports Policy to National Government
Overseas Service Learning and University's Global Social Responsibility
FJCU works together with international partners to collate information on SDGs
Giving new hope for the future of children in a Vietnamese orphanage
Sustainability Report 2018
The Ugly VegetableA Vegetables Beautiful Transformation
Creating Healthy Progress in Local Areas Fu Jen Catholic University and Local Community Working Hand in Hand
Online Study Buddy Helping Students with Rare Disorders Enter University
Distance Education for Remote Areas Fu Jen Catholic University Working to Create Learning Opportunities for Children from Remote Areas
Actively Increasing Womens Status in the Workplace and International Visibility
Encouraging Female Faculty Members, Staff Members, and Students at Fu Jen Catholic University to Exert Greater Influence in All Aspects of Life
Using an Online Digital Learning Platform to Close the Gap between Urban and Rural Areas
A Tribe Becoming a Research Institute Fu Jen Catholic University Promotes New Placemaking Model
Managing the Local Farmers Market Embodying the Concept of Having Fresh, Local Produce that is Environmentally-Friendly
Promoting the Spirit of Social Enterprise Putting Social Innovation into Practice Through Crowdfunding and Agronomic Proposals
Using the Orange Beneficence International Conference to Develop a Lasting Spirit of Benevolence
Fu Jen Catholic University and Stanford University Collaborate on the Wellness Project